Information for Refugees and How to Donate to Aid Refugees from Ukraine
The Church of England in Poland has several programs to assist refugees from Ukraine with food, medicine and accommodation. If you are in need of assistance, please contact or
If you would like to donate to the church's programs for assisting refugees, there are three ways to do so:
To our Polish Bank Account for PLN or EURO donations:
Santander Bank Polska
Account name: Kosciol Anglikanski w Polsce
Address of Account Holder: ul Dorotowska 7/5, 02-347 Warsaw, Poland
Account number: 39 1090 2734 0000 0001 0990 3880
Swift code: WBKPPLPP
IBAN: PL 39 1090 2734 0000 0001 0990 3880
Please state 'Ukraine Refugees' on donation.
To our UK Bank Account for donations in British Pounds:
Barclays Bank plc
Account Name: Diocese in Europe Fund
Bank sort code: 20-06-13
Account Number: 40317039
IBAN Account number: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Swift code: BUKBGB22
In the memo line, please put: Warsaw Chaplaincy Ukraine Relief
Please note, it is helpful if you make a donation to the Barclays Bank account, to notify the Church Treasurer of the donation via
To PayPal for donations in USD or PLN: