HoW to Donatew
Donation Information:
Donations for church upkeep may be made as follows:
In Polish zloty or Euro:
Santander Bank Polska
Account name: Kosciol Anglikanski w Polsce
Account number: 39 1090 2734 0000 0001 0990 3880
Swift code: WBKPPLPP
In British Pounds:
Barclays Bank plc
Account Name: Diocese in Europe Fund
Bank sort code: 20-06-13
Account Number: 40317039
IBAN Account number: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39
Swift code: BUKBGB22
In the memo line, please put: for Warsaw Chaplaincy #2630
In US Dollars:
Note: You do not need a Paypal account to donate through Paypal, rather you can use a credit or debit card. You can also donate in other currencies that USD. However, since the church pays a fee to Paypal, if you are paying in Polish zloty or Euro or British Pounds, please consider a bank transfer instead.
Please send any questions to:​